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What you should know when selling a house
Sell your property with confidence
Making a big decision is never easy, especially when you’re aware it will affect your entire life. How should you know if it’s the right time for you to sell your property, the place where you most likely spent many years and is filled with memories? This is always a serious step and it’s best to have someone you can trust guiding you throughout the process. Our team of professionals is eager to support you during your journey - from the beginning to closing the deal. Here’s a short guide I prepared to help you decide if you’re ready for the big step.
The annual real estate doldrums …
Most advice you’ll hear about selling will be different, but there’s one time of year that most experts believe you should avoid when it comes to listing a home: wintertime.
“Between the holiday season and, in some parts of the country, the weather, there aren’t too many buyers incentivized to disrupt their lives and move into a new home, which means they aren’t really thinking about shopping for one, either -- at least in some markets.
And fewer buyers means less of a chance that your home will be one of the homes that sell.
… And the peak selling season
Just like many experts will warn you against winter, springtime is commonly considered one of the best times of the year to sell a home.
“Buyers are interested in making a fresh start, yards look lush and green, days are starting to get longer, and tax season gives some buyers a leap ahead on any down payment savings.
So does that mean you should sell in the springtime? Maybe … but be aware that other sellers are going to have the same idea. There will be competition in the form of more homes available on the market.